Grow Room Build/Set-up
Do you find yourself looking around your house or yard trying to figure out what to do with spare space? Have an unused garage/shed, cluttered attic/basement? Well, if you're looking for a way to optimize that space and possibly even profit from it. Look no further!
With Cultivation Space there is no need to outsource your Garden/Grow construction or equipment to other contractors. Continue to utilize our team to carefully execute your design and successfully bring it to life.
We use our extensive experience in the industry to manage and oversee all of your construction needs. From construction materials to cultivation equipment, we help you find and harness all of the best possible resources to build a long lasting, well-equipped site.
We offer complete Grow space/facility design, construction management, and operations deployment services to help Growers build functional, sustainable operations sized to address their demand or that of their market.
We keep your project timeline on schedule while making sure your Garden is being built to the highest standards. And, of course, we facilitate a seamless transition from Grow construction to cultivation and harvest/production, ensuring a smooth operation.
Product quality is the foundation of Our Geoponic Methodology. Each component of the workflow has been refined to reduce labor and risk while driving quality.
All of our gardens are designed with optimal process-based workflow, state-of-the-art site security, bio-security, and optimal layouts that convert all usable space into product or revenue producing machines.